Welcome to 2020

Welcome to 2020

Happy 2020! As we enter a new decade, I'm sure we will all have new goals and aspire to do great things. 
Break bad habits, do good deeds, visit new places, embrace others and ideas with open arms, slow down, challenge yourself, take a new risk, get outside your comfort zone. There are so many ways to set your intention and focus. I challenge each of you to pick one. One word. One way to be better. 
My word this year is COMPASSION. 
I would like to be more compassionate to my husband, my children, my friends, my family, my clients and simply anyone I interact with. I would like to show compassion to myself. 
What does compassion really mean?


If someone shows kindness, caring, and a willingness to help others, they're showing compassion. This is a word for a very positive emotion that has to do with being thoughtful and decent.
Simply put - be kind and think about how your actions will impact others (positive or negative).
It's so easy in today's world to pass judgement and jump to conclusions. I am going to challenge myself personally and professionally to THINK BEFORE I RESPOND. Maybe someone has had a bad day, a challenge in their life. Maybe they are encountering something that is rocking their world and they need a little kindness and empathy.
I need all of you to hold me accountable this year. Please join me in 2020 to be the best version of yourself that you can be. Be a role model for your children and show them that kindness in all forms DOES matter. 
The inscription in my husband's wedding band reads:
"Let us not love with word or with tongue, but in actions and truth.” (1 John 3:16-18). 
My plan is to embrace this saying daily. 
May 2020 bring you health, love, and happiness (and of course kindness and compassion).

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